Sunday, January 19, 2014

New Year, New Me.

Alright, I know I haven't posted in quite a while now, and I apologize. What with school -- well, AP Calculus mainly -- I've not really had much going on that's memorable enough to write about.

To start off the new year, however, I'm going to try to start chronicling my stories again with my very own camera.

This is one of the few years that I have decided to make actual New Year's resolutions, and plan to stick to them. These resolutions are:

        1. Get in shape.

I know I'm not the most out of shape person in the world -- not nearly close -- but there's nothing like being fit to help self-esteem. Or so I've heard. And I'm just not quite satisfied with what I see in the mirror. And I want to prepare for another of my goals this year. ;)

        2. Learn to cook (better)


This is my last school year living at home, so I want to learn to cook before I leave home. So far this year, I've already started by cooking lasagna as well as cast iron skillet brownies.












3. Get more involved in Scouting again.

I went on a hiking campout a week ago, and loved it. Even though I've "aged out" (turned 18, so can no longer be considered a scout rather than an adult, except for venturing until 21), Benjamin will soon be moving up from Cub Scouts into Boy Scouts, so I'm going to get back into going on the campouts and hikes again, as well as getting more involved in Venture Scouts.






4. Complete the Fox's Pizza "Big One Challenge."

This one is more trivial than the others, mainly because it's something that my dad and I decided that we'd do once he recovers from his surgery and we both get in better shape or start exercising again (which usually is accompanied by a voracious appetite). Just to give a insight into the challenge, two people have to eat the whole (round) pizza that would fill in the box to the right. They have one hour, only one topping, no standing up, no throwing up, and no bathroom breaks. We sat and talked about what topping we were going to choose, and settled on mushroom. When the time finally comes that we attempt this challenge, win or lose, it will show up here.

This is a brand new year -- a fresh start -- and these are my New Year's Resolutions, and while I may not necessarily succeed with all of them, I plan to try my hardest. What resolutions have you all made? Feel free to share in the comments below. Happy New Year!

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