Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Video Lab - Countdown: 36 Hours

In an earlier post, I related a tale about the semi-glamorous world of Lights, Camera, Action. As we begin to approach our deadline, however, things have decided to get quite crazy around here, just to mess with us. To begin with, our video-editing software is so advanced that I could almost swear it came from sometime twenty years from now.

To keep up with both our software and our deadlines, we have had to stay late at the office some nights -- which, when combined with how early most mornings during these two weeks have been, lead to quite the sleep deprivation experience, as you can probably tell...

And to make things even more interesting, the only elevator in the building -- the same elevator that I was trapped in -- decided to stop working again, with seven of the ten people in our crew trapped inside. Unlike my experience, however, they had to climb out to the floor above where the elevator stopped.
So, after a long two weeks, the end is in sight -- just one final push, and everything will fall into place just before my time here at AGS is up. Can't wait to get this video together (finally) so I can publish a copy here for you all to see.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Insights Dinner

When the staff members of AGS announced this morning that we needed to be at a certain building on campus today at six, looking our best for what they called the "Insights Dinner," nobody knew quite what to expect. Regardless, we all dressed our best (or at least made a feeble attempt) and had an interesting dinner where those who had attended cotillion sometime in the past felt right at home. The rest of us, however, felt even more out of place when the traditional seven course meal table setting was combined with a buffet style food line.

Our guest speaker for the night was Robert Record from southern Louisiana, and the main thing that he emphasized when he got up to the podium was about failure:

"We all have dreams, hopes, and lofty goals. I hope you fail. Because when you fail, you find out whether that something is truly what you want to pursue. If it is what you deeply and truly care about, you will get back up, let your failure roll right off of you, and keep trying. If it is not, then you will find yourself free to pursue whatever project or cause you wish until you find that something that means something to you."